Investing at the Nexus of Food and Health
The global food system is in the middle of a once-in-a-generation disruption, and the reasons are coming from all sides. Producers are pushing for more efficiency. Consumer demands are changing. Costs are climbing. And today’s legacy agriculture companies aren’t prepared to meet these challenges on their own.
At the same time, more and more attention is being paid to the long-term health effects of the foods we eat. As of 2021, healthcare spending accounts for 18% of U.S. GDP, the highest in the world, and has increased 130% in just the last decade. There is a straight line between today’s heavily processed, sugar loaded diets and these health outcomes, not to mention chronic conditions like diabetes, obesity, heart disease and more.

With this complexity comes an opportunity for entrepreneurs, innovators, and investors. From improvements in nutritional value, to better resource efficiency, to improved yield, to better cost controls, the agriculture industry is ripe for disruption. It’s happening already, with harvesting automation systems, sensor-based farm management tools and other advanced technologies already appearing on the modern farm, all helping to reduce costs and increase access to nutrition.
Crusonia understands this intersection better than anyone else.
That’s why we host events and create content that fosters conversations and builds relationships between impact-oriented investors, agtech innovators, industry stakeholders and more, all around the connection between food and health. Our challenge: How do we support the innovative solutions that not only advance a more nutritional, and plentiful food system but that also improve efficiency and affordability?
Crusonia is where those in the middle of this massive change meet to share challenges, debate strategies and discuss solutions. It’s where the leaders and investors closest to this massive shift in the food system come together.

Crusonia Conversations
Free webinars with top industry leaders and experts in Food Health, Agriculture, and the Economy. Each session includes a 30-minute discussion on a set topic followed by a live Q&A where everyone is invited to join in the conversation. Join Us

Crusonia Forum MIA 2022:
Crusonia Forum—MIA 2022: Investing in the Food Is Health Revolution is an invitation-only event bringing together innovative food, agriculture and health companies with institutional investors and other industry stakeholders. The day includes panel discussions on agriculture, food and health investment, insights on the future of food, and presentations from a dozen related companies.
Note: Davos on the Delta is now Crusonia on the Delta. You may be familiar with the story of Robinson Crusoe. Marooned on a desert island for nearly 30 years, he was forced to change his environment in myriad ways in order to survive. Humanity is facing a similar challenge today, and Crusonia is leading the conversation around that shift.